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v1.6 part 1 has rolled out.

1. Infinite Scoll - Creator pages now default to an infinite scroll. Soon you will be able to limit the number of posts that appear though if you want.

2. Posts in your Creator Admin - You can now see a list of posts in your creator admin area.

3. Feed Bottom Text - You can add a longer description or CTA to the bottom of your feed so that users who "binge scroll" your account can read what you have to say.

4. Post Scheudling - You can now create and schedule a lot of posts in one sitting instead of making them one at a time.

5. Access Icons - Below your post editor you'll see access icons for Collections, Events, and your premium lock icon settings.

v1.6 is still in development and we have more features as part of this release rolling out soon but wanted to get these live first.
Today we released version 1.5 of Comedy Drop. This version adds 2 new core features to our platform:

1. Paid DMs - You can set how much you charge for a DM conversation with a fan and how long (in days) each conversation lasts.

2. Collections - You can now add multiple posts to a Collection and share collections around the web using a link that goes directly to it. We have more for collections coming soon.

We've updated our "How to Get Started Guide" for creators here: https://comedydrop.com/p/how-to-get-started

And updated our Changelog here: https://comedydrop.com/p/changelog

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Is this your favorite creator? Show your love by marking as Favorite and display it on your profile. Mark as Favorite